Journal Policy

Journal Policy for the Journal of Environmental Agriculture and Agroecosystem Management (JEAAM)


The Journal of Environmental Agriculture and Agroecosystem Management (JEAAM) is dedicated to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research that advances the understanding and application of sustainable agricultural practices and ecological management of agroecosystems. The following policies govern the submission, review, and publication process for the journal.


  1. Open Access Policy

JEAAM is an open access journal, meaning all published articles are freely available online without any subscription fees or access barriers. This ensures maximum dissemination and impact of the research.

Authors retain the copyright to their work, but grant JEAAM the right to publish and distribute the article under a Creative Commons License (CC BY), which allows others to share, adapt, and build upon the work as long as proper credit is given.


  1. Article Submission Policy

Original Research: The journal accepts only original manuscripts that have not been previously published or are not under consideration by another journal.

Manuscript Format: Submissions must adhere to the journal’s formatting and style guidelines, which include structured abstracts, clear presentation of data, and proper citation of sources.

Submission Platform: Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission system, where authors can track the progress of their submissions.


  1. Peer Review Policy

JEAAM follows a double-blind peer review process, ensuring that both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the process.

Manuscripts are evaluated by two or more independent experts based on criteria such as originality, research quality, methodological rigor, and contribution to the field.

Authors receive constructive feedback from reviewers and may be asked to revise their manuscript based on their suggestions.

(For more details, refer to the Peer Review Policy above.)


  1. Plagiarism Policy

JEAAM has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using reputable plagiarism detection software.

Manuscripts that are found to have significant levels of copied material will be rejected immediately. In minor cases, authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts and properly cite the sources.

(For more details, refer to the Plagiarism Policy above.)


  1. Article Processing Charge (APC) Policy

The journal charges an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 2000 INR to cover the costs of peer review, production, and online hosting.

The APC is payable only after a manuscript is accepted for publication.

Waivers: Authors from low-income countries or those with financial hardship may apply for a waiver or discount on the APC. Waiver requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and should be made during the manuscript submission process.

(For more details, refer to the APC Charge policy above.)


  1. Authorship and Contribution Policy

Authorship: All listed authors should have made significant contributions to the research and manuscript preparation. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript before submission.

Changes in Authorship: Any changes to the authorship list after submission must be approved by all co-authors and explained to the editorial office.

Acknowledgment: Any individuals or organizations that provided assistance or support but did not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the manuscript.


  1. Conflict of Interest Policy

Authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the results or their judgments during the submission or review process.

Conflict of Interest Declaration: Authors must include a conflict of interest statement in their manuscript, clearly stating any financial, professional, or personal interests that might have influenced the research.


  1. Research Ethics Policy

Ethical Approval: Any research involving human or animal subjects must have received appropriate ethical approval from the relevant institutional review board or ethics committee.

Informed Consent: For studies involving human participants, authors must provide evidence of informed consent being obtained.

Ethical Conduct: JEAAM expects all authors to adhere to the highest ethical standards in the conduct of their research, ensuring that no data is fabricated or manipulated.

  1. Retraction and Correction Policy

Retractions: JEAAM reserves the right to retract published articles in cases of serious ethical violations, such as data fabrication, plagiarism, or significant errors that undermine the validity of the research.

Corrections: Minor errors that do not affect the research’s overall findings may be corrected through an erratum or correction notice in the journal.


  1. Data Sharing Policy

JEAAM encourages authors to share the underlying data of their research to promote transparency and reproducibility. Authors should deposit their datasets in publicly accessible repositories or provide them upon reasonable request.

Data availability statements should be included in the manuscript, specifying whether the data will be made available and where it can be accessed.


  1. Appeal Policy

Authors who disagree with the editorial decision may appeal the rejection by providing a detailed explanation of their concerns. Appeals will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief, and if necessary, the manuscript will undergo further review by additional reviewers.

Final Decision: The decision made after the appeal process is final and binding.


  1. Publication Schedule

JEAAM publishes on a quarterly basis. Accepted articles are published online first and assigned to an issue as soon as they are ready.